Art Delaune, Board Member
Former Vice President
Art is a parent of 5 children, 2 of which have been diagnosed with FASD. Art has lived in Fairbanks for 50 years and is currently retired. He volunteers as an advocate working to assist individuals with developmental disabilities and has also been working as an advocate for senior citizens since he retired. Art is currently a member of the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education, a board member for Access Alaska, a board member for the Fairbanks Senior Center, and a board member for Peer Power. He is most proud of the advocacy he has been involved with the Wallbusters; an advocacy group comprised of people with disabilities that advocate for system change in our Fairbanks community. They have successfully advocated for removing barriers in transportation, voting, education, and access to public facilities like the Tanana Valley fairgrounds. They were instrumental in Passing HB16 in 2018; a bill that mandated training police officers better interact with people experiencing hidden disabilities.